Domestic Abuse - Summer 2021
For many families, summer is a time to relax and have some fun, but it can be a difficult period for victims of domestic abuse. While some families spend time apart during the summer, others spend more time together, which can make it harder for those affected to seek help, increasing feelings of isolation.
If your family is experiencing, or has experienced, domestic abuse, or you are concerned that domestic abuse is happening in another home where your child is staying, remember that you and your child are not alone. There are services within Cheshire East who can offer help and support.
Cheshire East Domestic Abuse Hub (CEDAH) offers a single point of contact, information and advice for families affected by domestic abuse and those who support them - formally or informally. If you are concerned about a friend or family member you can get advice about how best to support the person you care about too.
Domestic abuse is never okay or excusable, and everyone has the right to live a life free from fear, harm and control. If you are concerned about your own behaviour we can help you to change the way you behave in your family and relationships.
You can speak to someone by phoning the Hub on 0300 123 5101 or you can get tips and advice from Open the Door.