Home Learning
To view our home learning policy, please visit the school policies page on the link below
You will be aware that here at Middlewich High School we have been working very hard in recent years to develop a coherent and exciting curriculum from Year 7-11, intended to challenge our students and inspire them to achieve the very best outcomes in all of their subjects. However, we are clear that it is not only the quality of their learning in lessons, but also their learning beyond the classroom that will make the difference to their academic outcomes. Therefore, this year, we will be looking to develop a high quality programme of home-learning across all year groups which will enhance the quality learning we are now seeing in lessons.
Why is home-learning so important?
Research into secondary school home-learning indicates that regular and meaningful home learning adds up to 5 months extra progress per year. We know that students who complete home learning are often more confident and engaged students as they feel prepared and more knowledgeable. Not only does home-learning have a benefit to our children’s outcomes at school but we believe it has a life-long value as it also improves their independence, resilience and time-management which are essential for future employment success. Therefore, I would like to remind you of our MHS Home-learning policy and provide some reminders on how you can support your child to develop strong habits when it comes to home-learning.
Middlewich High School Home-learning
- All home-learning is set on our lin-line platform, Google Classroom.
- Tasks will be clearly and concisely explained to support you and your child in understanding what is required, including the date for submission.
- Our home-learning policy outlines the frequency of home-learning
- Most home-learning will be in the form of recall or practice, as these are the most effective ways for students to improve.
- Each department will follow its own home-learning policy which they will share with students and parents on their Google classroom.
- Departments may use other on-line platforms as part of home-learning. For example, In English students are required to complete two Bedrock lessons a week to increase their vocabulary; equally Maths set regular online homework, using Mathswatch.
Recognising excellence and providing support
We know that the majority of our students work hard on their home-learning and we are keen to recognise excellence, both for effort and achievement. Therefore, students will be rewarded for excellence in home-learning with a grade 4 in lessons as well as other forms of departmental recognition such as certificates etc. However, If students do not complete their home-learning to the required standard, you will be informed by email that they are required to attend a home-learning catch-up session after school. This is not a punishment or a detention, it is designed to give them an opportunity to do the work so that they are benefitting from the practice. If students submit the work prior to the home-learning catch-up session they are not required to attend.
‘After Hours - MHS Home-learning Club’. Monday-Friday 3.10-4.10pm
Equally, if your child simply requires a quiet space in order to complete home-learning or complete revision (especially at KS4), they can attend our After Hours Home-learning club, where staff will be on hand to support them. More details are available on the school website under home- learning.link to tab
Parental support
In addition to the wealth of support available at school to support home-learning, it is crucial that students also receive support from home.
To support your child to do their home-learning regularly and establish good habits, please:
- Provide a space where they can work with their materials close at hand
- Negotiate the best times for work to be done with your child that suits themselves and the family
- Keep an eye on them, ensuring their phone is not becoming a distraction
- Get them into the habit of checking Google classroom daily
- Remind them to ask if they don’t understand something before the deadline
- Check they are packing their bag nightly with the right work and books for the next day.
Schedule of home-learning Provision
The frequency of home-learning is set out below. It is expected that subject teachers will follow the schedule as outlined below. A home-learning task may be set at any point during that week or fortnight as best fits the curriculum plan.
Key Stage Three
Year 7-8
- English, Maths, Science - 1 home-learning task per week. (approx 30mins)
- History, Geography, MFL - 1 home-learning task per fortnight. (approx 30mins)
- Design and Technology, RE, IT - 1 home-learning task per fortnight (approx 30mins)
- Music, Art and Drama - 1 extended piece of home-learning per half term or as seen fit by the teacher.
- Year 7-8 are expected to read for a minimum of 15mins per day.
Year 9
- English, Maths, Science - 1 home-learning task per week. (approx 45mins)
- History, Geography, MFL - 1 home-learning task per fortnight. (approx 45mins)
- Design and Technology, RE, IT - 1 home-learning task per fortnight (approx 45mins)
- Music, Art and Drama - 1 extended piece of home-learning per half term or as see fit by the teacher.
- Year 9 are expected to read for a minimum of 30mins per day.
Key Stage Four
Year 10-11
- English, Maths, Science - 1 home-learning task per week. (approx 1 hour)
- Option Subjects - 1 home-learning task per week (approx 1 hour per week each)
- Core RE, Ivalue - provided where applicable
- Additional home-learning should include reading, spelling, revision as well as admin tasks such as work experience, college applications or future plans.
- Year 10-11 are also encouraged to make regular use of on-line revision platforms such as Seneca, Quizlet, Exampro.
When setting home-learning tasks, teachers will always allow for at least 48 hours for completion.