Pathway Subject
GCSE Music helps students to develop subject knowledge, understanding and skills, through listening to a variety of music, playing music and creating their own music. The course places a strong weighting on practical aspects of music, with choices catering for a wide range of interests and abilities. It is a four unit breakdown with a core assessment of students skills in listening and appraising, composing and performing music.
Our course provides the opportunity for students to develop valuable transferable skills such as self-confidence, concentration, creativity, evaluation and team work.
Assessment information
GCSE music is 80% coursework/controlled assessment and 20% exam. This allows the students to spend time on perfecting and honing their creative musical skills through the art of composition and performance.
How will studying Music help me in the future?
All colleges and work places are looking for a well-rounded person who can demonstrate a range of skills and talents. They are often looking for people who have a wide range of interest and who have studied a range of subjects including creative ones. GCSE Music offers a solid foundation for progression to other music studies, including A-level Music, and often to a music-related career.
Food for thought!….
- “Even though I haven’t gone on to study music past GCSE I am so glad I took Music as it was the lesson I looked forward to the most in my week as it was different and allowed me to be creative” - AG (past student)
- “Music is to the mind as air it to the body” - Plato
Head of Department: Mrs N Hughes