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Middlewich High School

Excellence in Learning – Achievement for All

Product Design Design & Technology

Product Design Design & Technology

Pathway Subject

 D&T (PD) teaches students the knowledge and skills required to bring products to market.  The course closely follows how products are designed and made in business and industry.  The emphasis is on high quality products that could be manufactured in quantity.  To achieve this computer aided design and manufacture (CAD/CAM) are used extensively. Products can either be made from ‘hard’ materials such as plastics, timber etc or textile based materials.  The course is a creative one and would appeal to both students who gain a sense of satisfaction from making things and who enjoy being creative.

Assessment information

As it is a practical based course the subject retains a high percentage of controlled assessment (CA) at GCSE.  The CA project (started in Yr 10 & completed in March of the examination year) represents 60% of the final GCSE grade.  In addition students will sit one, un-tiered, examination paper (representing the remaining 40%).

How will studying Product Design help me in the future?

The course will be of interest to anyone considering a career in a design based environment such as Architecture, Product Design, Fashion Design, Graphic Design etc.  The schools partner 6th Form college (Sir John Deanes) offers AS & A level D&T (PD) courses for future progression.

The course will also appeal to those looking towards apprenticeships in engineering or other practical ‘hands on’ careers.

For all students the course offers an opportunity to show potential employers that they are adaptable, can resolve problems and understand how products reach market in the ‘real world’.


Head of Department: Mrs L O'Rourke