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  • 01606 537670

Middlewich High School

Excellence in Learning – Achievement for All



The Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Department is part of the Student Services team. It comprises of two provisions, one for the Hearing Impaired (HI), and one for students with Autistic Spectrum Condition. SEND is also responsible for students with communication and interaction difficulties, cognition and learning difficulties, social, emotional and mental health difficulties, and sensory and/or physical difficulties.  We also benefit from an Enhanced Mainstream Provision which is an early support framework to help students transitioning to school.  Please see the documents below for our Local Offer, Enhanced Provision Offer and Enhanced Mainstream Provision.

Department Aims:

To support pupils with SEND to have a happy and inclusive education, culminating in achieving their full potential.


Students are supported through a combination of in-class support from Teaching Assistants, withdrawal for small group or 1:1 work in tutorials. A variety of resources, including ICT are used to help students access the curriculum effectively. We also work closely with outside agencies to support our students.

Some students may also be eligible for examination access arrangements, that will be applied for using supporting evidence.

Progress is monitored by the SEND team using school support plans. These are reviewed bi-annually, and parents invited to discuss. Students with an Education Health Care Plan (EHC Plan), formally known as Statements will also have an Annual Review. Progress of Cared for Children is via Personal Education Plans (PEPs) which are reviewed in line with each child’s Care Plan. These monitoring arrangements are additional to those of every student.

To speak to our Special Education Needs Coordinator(SENCO)- Mrs Emma Brown

Telephone: 01606 537670
